Latest news on top.....^^^
29th April
Sorry I haven't 'plogged' for a couple of days, but I've been worn out, and as it's now warm enough to have the heat lamp off at night, I've been doing a good bit of sleeping instead. The nippers are 3 weeks old tomorrow (Wednesday) and have formed a real gang. They have even been getting into my food bowl and pinching the tasty bits - well - have they got NO respect!
They now have a feeder about a metre long and are getting solid food  mixed with a little milk to soften them up. They eat in it, walk in it, fight over it until it looks like porridge. Ah well, at least they seem to enjoy it and themselves.
Here's a video clip of them playing and fighting in the fresh straw  -  you may need QuickTime to play it, and it's a big file so will take a few minutes to download. Click your browser back button when it's finished.
26th April 
We had some more fresh straw this morning while I was having my breakfast, and I realised why the place is so untidy. The 'gang' were charging around throwing it in all directions. Then Mike brought us some more milk and all tried getting into the was everywhere, on their heads, their backs and coating their snouts. They were really beginning to enjoy it so they will gradually get moved onto solid food in the coming week.
23rd April 
It was really cool of the Evening Mail to publish news and pictures of my new family - fame at last.
Anyway, please suggest some names and don't forget to come and see us (might make naming easier). We would
like to have them decided by may 10th /  11th, which is National Mills Weekend. Send your suggestions to
We are quickly getting overcrowded in this sty, so I am looking forward to moving to my outside run in the field
but it needs a bit of sorting out first.
21st April
What a lovely peaceful day  -  nice and warm, so spent a lot of time out in the yard with the family.
Late afternoon we 'bottomed' my sty and Mike & Vicky brought me a load of lovely fresh straw. I spent a lot of time arranging my new bed and the little 'uns had a whale (or should that be piglet) of a time burrowing in it, throwing it all over and racing around having fun, then they all settled down for a feed. The little beggers do have some sharp teeth now, and they have made my udder quite sore. I was bought some udder ointment which is good for the tiny teeth marks, and anudder udder cream (ho ho) which is very soothing. Anyway, hopefully, only another week or so and the piglets will begin to take some solid food and let me recover.
19th April
.  Still cold but the little ones are running around and playing a lot so keeping warm. Mike brought them some lamb milk today  -  thought it would give me a break from always feeding them - but they weren't that interested. It smelled really nice, so I had it and it was soooo good, I had a second helping in the afternoon  -  keep it coming.
17th April 
It has been cold today  -  an east wind blows into our sty, but the heat lamp has kept the piglets warm, that is when they are not running around. They have doubled in size in the last week and are very active  -  and always HUNGRY.
We had an exciting afternoon  -  more pictures taken by Lindsay from the Evening Mail so watch out for us.
15th April
Sunday was another busy day for visitors, but yesterday was really quiet and we all spent much of the day catching up on our sleep. That was until late afternoon when we had a pictures session - the plan being to take everyone's individual photo for the gallery. But it quickly descended into chaos as the piglets wouldn't stand still for a second and others ran off and hid in the straw, so in the end we gave up. But we did get some good shots which are now on the gallery, and individual 'portraits' will have to wait for another day.
12th April
What an exhausting day, I've had so many visitors I'm worn out.
David and Julie came and took lots of pictures of the family which you can see in the gallery.
Mike fitted some bars across the corner of our sty to stop me rolling over on the little ones when I'm sleeping. They are so tiny I would probably squish them. The bars allow my piglets to settle under the heat lamp when I'm having a nap  -  but I'm a bit fed up because I can't get my head under the lamp now.  The piglets are getting adventurous and wandering around a bit more, but they still won't go out into the yard. I hope they soon do because they are being very naughty and weeing in their bed!
11th April
They are already growing so fast and very lively until they have had a feed, then we all snuggle down for a sleep - what bliss. We had a heat lamp installed today which is staying on all night. It is really meant for my piglets, but I usually sneak my head under as well and it's very comforting.
10th April
Lots of people came to see the family today it was great fun. The little ones are hungry all the time (and so am I - having to feed lots of hungry mouths). We had loads of pictures taken, so we have now started a gallery  -  click here to have a look.
9th April 
A good day with quite a lot of visitors - it wore me out so I was on my straw by 7pm, and then I had a late visitor, tried to get up but was too tired  -  and then it all kicked off.
The first one popped out like a cork from a bottle, and then they just kept coming, and coming, and coming...... My owners came to keep me company and help me sort the piglets out. The penultimate came out backwards and I thought that was it, but just at 12pm the last one arrived  - jet black with a white flash and front legs, just has to be called Midnight.
They are already very noisy and very hungry and treating me like a milk machine  -  but it all went very smoothly and we are now settling down for a good sleep. First pictures will be posted tomorrow.
8th April
Sunny and warm in my yard today  - my tum is almost touching the ground when I walk  -  makes me wonder just how many little ones I'll have.
I was given some nice green veggie bits this afternoon amongst which there were a couple of know, I think I might just have a craving for strawberries!!
6th April
Still haven't produced, and getting bigger by the day. Had quite a lot of visitors over the last few days which was fun. Someone was daft enough to leave my food bowl balanced by the wall  this morning, so I got my front trotters on the wall and my snout under the bowl, and bingo - there was food everywhere  -  what fun.
1st April
Caused a bit of a stir this morning  -  off my food a bit and very restless, so everyone thought I was about to have the babies. By late afternoon, eating like a .....well a PIG... really, so it was a false alarm. Wonder if anyone noticed the date
ho ho?
26th March
 Hello from the mill where I'm expecting my first babies any day now (remember we pigs grow up fast). I'm in a very comfortable sty with lots of straw and plenty of food, so very happy.